Thursday, 6 August 2009

Armor Pen (AkA: ArP)

I've had alot of hunters asking me latley

''when should i change to marksman''

''should i go MM or Surv at 8O''

''Should i stack ArP as Surv''

Needless to say im fed up with explaining the whole Hunter + ArP situation so here goes;

For end game raiding marksman is best (T8.5 and/or some BiS gear. Ulduar and above.).

As Survival you should:

Stack agility + Crit
2. 30% crit is deemed to be a ''good'' amount to stop stacking it at, most i know try to get 35% (even 30% would put you over 41% fully raid buffed in a well balanced group)
3. you can never have enough Aglility (Always stack agility over Attack power as survival)

General Rule of Thumb:
Stack agility + crit until about 30% then continue stacking and enchanting Agility.

As marksmann you should get:

1. 569 armor penetration + Mjolnir Runestone (662 arp at proc) so you can hit 1232 arp at proc (99,95%)
2. 620 armor penetration + Grim Tool (612 arp at proc) so you can hit 1232 arp at proc

After 569/620 arp from gear you should stack agility again...

General Rule of Thumb: at about 600 ArP it is about time to switch over to Marksman, this at the moment is only from high end T8.5 + and some BiS (best in slot) gear.

one last thing the hit cap is 8% (about 243 or 263 if i remember correctly) make sure you get this.

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