Monday 1 March 2010

Marksmanship and Me

I recently went to ulduar as a Marksman hunter and while i was finding it incredible fun i was also finding my DPS had plumeted from averaging 5k in 10mans down to 2.8k, needless to say i was shcked beyond belief as i thought my performance dps wise was second to none (with my gear level offcourse) i had put in a few practice hours at the herioc boss dummy and un-buffed i was loving it at 4k-4.4k.

so what happend!!?

well the only conclusion i and a few freinds could come up with was that i was moving to much, this would make sense to me anyway.

the spec i was using was a tried and tested one for this patch from Hunters Union i also followed the armor pen spec guide from here to a T as much as i could in every fight.

my armor pen is 560
my steady shot hits harder than arcane shot
and my crit is above 50% buffed in raids (43% normally)

so the fundamentals are all correct.

to be honest it was a little embarressing, i would not care if it was a pugged group id chalk it down to experiance, but as this was with the guild, altought they new i was testing the spec it was still a little embarresing, though on the upside i was still fourth opposed to 1st or 2nd on the DPS meters, yes i know dps meters arnt everything so on fights where i was on add-duty, like XT-Deconstuctor and i kept getting eye-beamed from kologarn is understandable, sadlt i do not know what my DPS was on Ignis but im presuming around the same.

back to the drawing board for MM and Me!