Monday, 1 March 2010

Marksmanship and Me

I recently went to ulduar as a Marksman hunter and while i was finding it incredible fun i was also finding my DPS had plumeted from averaging 5k in 10mans down to 2.8k, needless to say i was shcked beyond belief as i thought my performance dps wise was second to none (with my gear level offcourse) i had put in a few practice hours at the herioc boss dummy and un-buffed i was loving it at 4k-4.4k.

so what happend!!?

well the only conclusion i and a few freinds could come up with was that i was moving to much, this would make sense to me anyway.

the spec i was using was a tried and tested one for this patch from Hunters Union i also followed the armor pen spec guide from here to a T as much as i could in every fight.

my armor pen is 560
my steady shot hits harder than arcane shot
and my crit is above 50% buffed in raids (43% normally)

so the fundamentals are all correct.

to be honest it was a little embarressing, i would not care if it was a pugged group id chalk it down to experiance, but as this was with the guild, altought they new i was testing the spec it was still a little embarresing, though on the upside i was still fourth opposed to 1st or 2nd on the DPS meters, yes i know dps meters arnt everything so on fights where i was on add-duty, like XT-Deconstuctor and i kept getting eye-beamed from kologarn is understandable, sadlt i do not know what my DPS was on Ignis but im presuming around the same.

back to the drawing board for MM and Me!

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

10-Man OS3D!

First raid with Atta Tirini, and what do i get pulled into!? OS3D and we make it! i will now be known as;

Dothias, of the nightfall

I would also like to thank everyone for sticking hard at it, it was extreamly fun and ofcourse congratulations to all of Atta Tirini for downing 10man 3D!

P.S. Congratulations to Belnor for winning the black drake!

Long time, no Blog!!

It has been a very long time since i have blogged here about my hunter...or anything at all.
That is mainly because i decided to try out Aion: The Tower Of Eternity and got addicted to it for about....oooooh 3 months until i really found out what it was, which in all honesty was dissapointing.

anyway! so I'm back and if i have any follows or readers who care....thats great! *laughs* and back with a bang, now i love my former guild The Regiment of Stormwind, but it was getting so inactive and so much of a strain to recruit anyone i chucked in the towel, transfered to horde didnt like them transfered back to alliance and joined Atta Tirini, now this is how the Regiment used to! im sure i'll return to the Regiment someday but for now i will be a part of Atta Tirini's raid team(s) whenever i can.