Wednesday, 16 September 2009

The Engineering Ultimatum

Engineering so far is going extreamly smoothley, i have been lucky enough to of had alot of support from a good freind (and our Guild-Leader) to level it up at mimimal cost, i am only at 278 at the moment but seeing as i have only spent about 2hours working for the skill points enduring the Arena, Dailiy and Daily Trial of the Champion to try and get my Marrowstrike (which i have not seen drop once yet by the way) is a pretty good skill-up rate. but now i am knocking on the door of 300 Engineering i simply cannot decied between the Gnomish or the Goblin routes so its time for a little pro's/Con's List

Pro's Gnomish------ Pro's Goblin

Gnomish detah----- ray Rocket Launcher
World Enlarger-----Seforium Charge
X-ray goggles?----- Global Sapper Seforium Sapper Charge!

i suppose the thing to decied from is that Gnomish is alot more fun and light-hearted while Goblin is all about blowing stuff up! and i like the blowing stuff up part. i have always thought about going Goblin Engineering but now the time has come to actually make a choice i really cant decied. i think i will end up going Goblin simply for the Global Sapper Seforium Sapper Charge having this to help blow-up doorway's and siege vehicles etc would be very usefull, not to mention it also hurts players (and myself i think) aswell, i think i'm going to go for goblin, seeing as they are all about blowing stuff up but with a few more usefull additions than the gnomish....X-Ray spec!....woo...naked people?

Goblin i think it is.

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

The 3v3 Challenge, and 2v2 Addition.

So this season i am determined to try the arena out alot more seriously in both 2v2 and 3v3 (possibley 5v5) so this means as many games per-week as i can muster with my partners.

now seeing as 2v2 has lost alot of ''meaning'' i have turned to 3v3 and i must say it is alot more fun, especially when we get our CC rotations spot on, and comsidering me and my team mates have only done 31 matches together, it went pretty darn well alot of the matches we lost where down to focusing the wrong target, and generally getting used to our tactics, i must say both guys are great fun to arena-with and i'm looking forward to getting back to bussiness!

we went 18-13 (58% win rate) i reckon we could of gone 22-9 if we was expecting some things the teams where going to throw at us.


Meanwhile in 2v2 i added a new addition to our team a druid (Trueomega) the one that is also in the 3v3 team. trebreh seemed ok with the addition which is what i was hoping for.

we went 16-14 which is good, but if we didnt hit all the Priest + Rogue teams we would of got a
better ratio, either way a good second week never the less!

Friday/Saturday/Sunday will be time for some more 3v3 and alot of 2v2 with Trebreh.

Wish us luck!!

Saturday, 12 September 2009

The Engineering Factor

So, while im working on my PvP movie i've been trying to figure out how to make it more fun to watch, and the thing that springs to my mind is the one and only profession, Engineering!

Rocket Boots
Pyro Rockets
Random stuff
Random stuff
Useless Stuff
SEaforium Bombs (Goblin)
More Explosions
Coloured Explosions

.. you get the picture, i will be training Engineering, oh and a teaser for my PvP movie will be posted within the week