Thursday, 26 February 2009

So today we went into Naxxramas's 10man Plague Qaurter, now i was not there for most of it but i helped out on Heigan, the unclean and also on Loatheb, both went down like a sack of bricks, i got lucky and won a chest peice fron Heigan, but on Loatheb, finally our trusty guildee got his o'so sought after tier raid shoulders, you see he had bad luck on alot of rolls so he was sure to win this time! and Grats mate on those!

on a side note i managed to come second in the DPS meters, i was not expecting to beat one of our other DPS'ers (another hunter) as he seems to be pulling away from the pack atm though i do hope to catch up soon ''evil grin, sinister smile''
the only thing i will say though is i got 2309 DPS which i was happy with though i did miss 1 Lock and Load proc which sucked and died towards the end (had a few seconds to go) one healer went and i had 5k health left and as we know that debuff puts out 10k over 5/10secs so that was painfull so i would be intreaged to see what exactly my DPS would of been if i didnt die or miss that proc.

A view from the top!

So while i was bored tonight in Dalaran i decided to climb it....yes...climb Dalaran!! you can do this by using the balconies in the city itself as ledges to reach one or two roof tops, so to prove it, here's the screenie!

(im that wee' lil' hunter on top of the purple roof with me crab)

The Regimental Training Event (RP)

So tonight brings us to another Regiment of Stormwind training event, this basically has us all meet up in the command centre in old town: Stormwind, where we all undergo our weekly Roleplay Event, this event is always fun, sometimes its very active and others more informative, this week it was more informative.

previously we had one of our mages explain and demonstrate all his tactics in fighting so it was only a matter of time before one of our other Classes did it, low and behold! a Warlock! this was actually pretty usefull as all i do is Nuke down the succubus if that pets out and try my best to keep fear out of the match, getting an insight into what alot of other skills where was great, i know al lthe basic curses and the like but alot of others that arnt that well-known or arnt really ''taken/used'' as a first choice PvE or PvP tool was a mystery but now i know exactly what does what, i've no idea if this will help me against warlocks...but i suppose time will tell!

one thing i do hate though is there teleport, in Battlegrounds i have endless fun with placing a freezing trap/arrow in there circle and watching them freeze themselvs, allowing me to open up with those 3 succesive and destructive Explosive Shots ''Eveil Laugh''

Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Enter the Cobra

Today when i opened my Mysterious egg i discovered it had a Cobra Hatchling pet inside, great! i like the vanity pets, i suppose im a collecter of sorts though i would much rather of prefered the Green Proto Drake that has a 4% drop rate from the egg, oh well, thats 5 eggs so in theory after ive had 25 eggs i should get that elusive green proto drake!

- wish me luck!

Monday, 23 February 2009

Number one!

I guess nobody will even know that my blog is here yet? even so, I just thought I would right this to say hello out there! and welcome to the Hunters Peak, the blog of Dothias, a world of warcraft hunter, PvP and PvE, i do it all! how good? well...who knows? all i know the game is fun and i love it.

In this first post you will see i have attached a picture of my hunter, Dothias he's equipped in his PvP gear as me and my partner have just finished a good second week in the arena scoring 29-10 much better than our first week, had a few rather long fights that could of gone either way, though switching from healer to DPS seemed to aid in the draining of the healers mana, leaving him wide open to some rather nice nuke tactics, needless to say after that it was a stroll in the park. as for our rating we raised that from 1201 from our dive bomb last week up to 1312 last night so thats a great result.

as for the PvE side of things, in my first raid in OS: 25 i hit 6th on the DPS meters with 1.9k which i was pretty happy with and the luck of the irish was with me as i managed to win the hunter T7.5 gloves and later on, Kel Thuzzad in Naxx25 saw fit to give me his dagger (only one rogue who already had x2 so us hunters rollled)

all in all a succesfull night on WoW!